Thursday, February 19, 2009

Welcome to A.W.O.L.

A.W.O.L. - All Walks of Life

We are surrounded by creativity and opportunity.

The concept:

A multi media forum for creative professionals to express, share and inspire ideas across disciplines.

A forum to find inspiration and to share your latest thoughts on the color blue, the best fly to catch a trout in the Kinderhook Creek, the music you hear from your 5th floor window in the East Village, or the purpose of a second hand on a watch.

A.W.O.L. is a time, a place, and an opportunity.

We will be looking for contributors to the A.W.O.L. blog, sponsoring networking events, promoting cool concepts and making connections!

It's not a coincidence that we are doing this right now, at a time when Wall Street and Main Street are at odds. And the old American car companies that we associate with baseball and apple pie, see the sun setting on the highways that allowed them to drive manufacturing all these years.
There will be a new day. There will be new opportunities. And A.W.O.L. will be at the front of those. The creative ideas we share and push each other to express will be the catalyst for these opportunities!

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